The plot revolves around a series of flashbacks that reveal a judge's past and hidden secrets. Gyanendra, a judge, lives with his wife Sarama. Being the Judge, every time he has a trial of similar cases he remembers his past, the truth about his questionable actions. Gyanendra always recalls when he was a popular lawyer, married to Sumoti, a suspicious and rude lady. But he had a weak feeling for his professor's daughter Sarama. One day Gyanendra's house was burnt and his first wife Sumoti died. Gyanendra could not make any attempt to save her, perhaps he was unable to bear Sumati further. Thereafter he marries Sarama and becomes a judge but he realizes his crime and his past haunts him much.
Emitir: Uttam Kumar, Chhabi Biswas, Arundhati Devi, Dipti Roy, Chandrabati Devi, Bani Hazra, Atanu Ghosh, Pahadi Sanyal, Prafulla Dey, Manorama Devi
Tripulación: Ajoy Mitra (Director of Photography), Suniti Mitra (Art Direction), Haridas Mahalanbish (Editor), Prabhat Mukherjee (Director), Tarasankar Bandyopadhyay (Writer)
Palabra clave:
বিচারক 1959
Prabhat Productions
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