Three aspiring young Japanese models are on their very first fashion shoot at an abandoned school one hot summer day. Without warning, strange events begin occurring around the set that causes the models and photo crew to question their sanity, as one by one they begin to die agonizing and painful deaths that are seemingly caused by none other than themselves.
Género: Terror
Emitir: 佐久間信子, Sena, 越智千恵子, 榊英雄, 諏訪太朗, 稲田千花, 松澤仁晶, 津田寛治
Tripulación: 柴田一成 (Director), 柴田一成 (Writer), 清水崇 (Supervisor of Production Resources), Yukihiko Yamaguchi (Producer)
Palabra clave:
もうひとりいる 2002
King Records
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