The film follows Saki (Momotsuki), Mei (Kudo), and Kaho (Teramoto), the members of the budding idol group called Wish as they are set to appear in the sequel of Toei's hit movie, Yugami. Toei Movie Studios is a place where a lot of popular movies and dramas are filmed, but this studio also has an untold secret.
Emitir: 桃月なしこ, 寺本莉緒, 工藤遥, Umino Kawamura, Kyūsaku Shimada, 田中要次, 富田健太郎, Genta Wakabayashi
Tripulación: 高橋洋 (Screenplay), 海田庄吾 (Original Music Composer), 高橋洋 (Director)
Palabra clave:
ようこそ東映殺影所へ 2021
Toei Company
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