Set in an elementary school and centered on a boy named Takuya and a new transfer student named Saeko. Takuya's classmates think that Saeko has been possessed by Hanako, the ghost that lives in the bathroom. The rumor is especially encouraged by a girl who has a crush on Takuya and is jealous since Takuya likes Saeko.
Género: Terror
Emitir: 井上堯之, 前田愛, Yuka Kono, 豊川悦司, 大塚寧々
Tripulación: 松岡錠司 (Director), 松岡錠司 (Screenplay), 中川滋弘 (Executive Producer), Toshiaki Nakazawa (Executive Producer), Kuniaki Yagura (Music)
Palabra clave:
トイレの花子さん 1995
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