Set in Kyoto, 1990. Mizuho Oshima is a high school girl who hates her alcoholic mom, adores her father, and has a crush on school swim team member Sho Sugimoto. Her father lives with another women, but Mizuho hopes to reunite her family. Her mother then takes up with an Amerian soldier named Charlie and they become an item. This crushes Mizuho's hopes of reuniting her family. Mizuho then seduces her mother's lover ...
Emitir: 於保佐代子, 高良健吾, Jun Fubuki, 柄本明, 谷川俊太郎, Masayo Maeda, Kai Fusayoshi, Aio Igarashi, 松本花奈, Wataru Ohyama, Kenji Yamaji, Hiroki Wakabayashi, Yukari Tomoyori
Tripulación: Mayu Nakamura (Director), Mayu Nakamura (Writer)
Palabra clave:
ハリヨの夏 2006
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