In the early Edo period, among the pirate ships that roamed the seas near Ryukyu and Korea, there was a ship called the Sueyoshi, led by a man known as Misaki Shogoro, who was infamous for his devilish cruelty. Shogoro had a rule: he would kill all the men from the ships he raided, while the women would be distributed among the crew for their pleasure. However, he himself never touched any woman. Aboard the ship was a young girl named Kogane, who had been raised on the ship since she was a child and dressed as a boy. Unbeknownst to others, she had grown to secretly adore Shogoro.
Emitir: 長谷川一夫, 京マチ子, 京マチ子, 木村功, 三田登喜子, 弓恵子, 毛利郁子, Mayumi Kurata, 千葉敏郎, 舟木洋一, 小堀阿吉雄, Jun Tazaki, 堺駿二
Tripulación: 高椋廸夫 (Production Coordinator), 八尋不二 (Adaptation), 宮川一夫 (Cinematography), Hisakazu Tsuji (Production Coordinator), 永田雅一 (Producer)
Palabra clave:
女と海賊 1959
Daiei Film
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