
After completing his journey of self-discovery through Osaka and Kyushu, Ryū Shimaoka (played by Taiyō Honmya) returns to his hometown of Awaji as a fully-fledged yakuza. With the backing of Hosono, a senior member of the Yamagami-gumi, Shimaoka and his youthful comrades form the Kyōkotsukai and align themselves with the powerful Okada-gumi, which controls the island. As Shimaoka rises rapidly through the ranks, tensions flare when the rival Kurosaki-gumi brings in a dangerous outsider from Kobe, shattering the fragile peace that once divided the island. This is the gripping story of a man born and raised in Awaji, who walks the path of the yakuza to protect his home, and the turbulent life he leads!


Tiempo de ejecución: 74 minutos

Calidad: HD

Lanzamiento: 2011

imdb rating 7

Palabra clave:
実録・侠魂 2011


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