Upon his arrival to Dragon Island, ronin Yagi Hanzo, is propositioned by various shady individuals representing rival gangs to lend his services to them. Branded an enemy for his refusal to become involved with either side, he soon finds himself caught up in an intrigue extending beyond petty gang rivalries, involving a plot by Daimyo in Kyoto to overthrow the government.
Género: Aventura
Emitir: 二代目 大川橋蔵, 美空ひばり, 松方弘樹, Kin'ya Kitaōji, 丘さとみ, 花園ひろみ, Yoshiko Fujita, 桜町弘子, 堺駿二, 加賀邦男, 戸上城太郎, Juro Hoshi, 清川荘司
Tripulación: 佐々木康 (Director), わし尾元也 (Director of Photography), 宮本信太郎 (Editor), Sadamitsu Ishihara (Sound Recordist), 鈴木孝俊 (Art Direction)
Palabra clave:
幽霊島の掟 1961
Toei Company
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