One day, Kenichi meets Yuri, a foreign girl who is being chased by someone. In front of Hattori-kun and the Perman team, a mysterious masked monster named Psychoman, who can also levitate, appears. Psychoman, who plans to use his supernatural powers to conquer the world, forms an esper army of his own kind...
Emitir: Junko Hori, 菅谷政子, 三田ゆう子, Kaneta Kimotsuki, Kenichi Ogata, Eiko Yamada, あきやまるな, 三輪勝恵, Hiroshi Otake, 増山江威子, 鈴木清信, Shigeru Chiba, 三浦雅子
Tripulación: 笹川ひろし (Director), Masuji Harada (Director), Tetsuo Kanno (Producer), 藤子・F・不二雄 (Original Story), Yoshiaki Koizumi (Producer)
Palabra clave:
忍者ハットリくん+パーマン超能力ウォーズ 1984
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