Based on the serialized story "東京一代女" which appeared in Tokyo Shinbun. A geisha known for her dancing begins training with the Onnagata Kikugoro VI as a dancer. She leaves her geisha life to pursue this new path, but falls in love with a naval officer who is the younger brother of Kikugoro and who saves her from a stalker monk. Kikugoro hears of this and becomes enraged. The naval officer dies in the Second Sino-Japanese War, causing the lead to go back home to her mother where she meets, and falls in love with, a poet who resembles her now-deceased fiancé. This poet leaves her in order to force her to dedicate her entire life to dancing, which he sees as her true pursuit.
Emitir: 花柳寿美, 龍崎一郎, 龍崎一郎, 花柳章太郎, 夏川静江, 北竜二, 古川ロッパ, 伊沢一郎, 折原啓子, Kichijirō Ueda, 吉川満子, 飯田蝶子, 立花満枝
Tripulación: Yoshio Aida (Cinematography), 西川鶴三 (Lighting Director), 野村浩将 (Director), 北川恵笥 (Art Direction), 三上訓利 (Producer)
Palabra clave:
情艶一代女 1951
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