In Tokyo, Osen is the servant girl of an unscrupulous antiques dealer, Kumazawa, who takes in the penniless Sokichi Hata. Kumazawa mistreats Sokichi and Osen, while swindling some Buddhist monks out of their temple treasures. When Kumazawa is arrested, Osen agrees to help Sokichi finance his dream of going to medical school. They live in a humble room, and eventually the only way Osen can find enough money for them is to prostitute herself during the day, without Sokichi knowing. (Will Gilbert)
Género: Drama
Emitir: 山田五十鈴, 夏川大二郎, 羅門光三郎, 芝田新, 中野英治, Genichi Fuji, Mitsuru Tojo, Junichi Kitamura, 滝沢静子, Sue Ito, Suisei Matsui
Tripulación: 溝口健二 (Director), 永田雅一 (Producer), Yoshiji Oguri (Art Direction), Eiichi Mikura (Sound), 三木滋人 (Director of Photography)
Palabra clave:
折鶴お千 1935
Daiichi Eiga
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