The eighth installment in the popular film series starring Tomisaburo Wakayama. Embarrassed by the chairman of the Seiyu-kai for not having a family crest, Seikichi Shimamura sets out with his henchmen on a journey to acquire the crest of a local bankrupt family. The local Iwahashi clan and the fishermen fought over the construction of the industrial complex, but when Seikichi learned that the Seiyu-kai was behind the Iwahashi clan, he sided with the fishermen...
Emitir: 若山富三郎, 菅原文太, 松平純子, 南利明, 佐藤京一, 志賀勝, Katsutoshi Akiyama, Kenji Ikeda, 野口貴史, Shintarō Mibu, Yukari Wakayama, 遠藤太津朗, 今井健二
Tripulación: 小沢茂弘 (Director), 高田宏治 (Screenplay), 渡辺宙明 (Original Music Composer), 吉田貞次 (Director of Photography), 鈴木孝俊 (Production Design)
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