"Tokyo Rhapsody" consists of 11 short films all centered around the music genre known as "Kayokyoku". Kayokyoku is a catch-all term to describe the music that defined two generations of post-war Japan. Although the term survives, it has a strong connotation with a simpler, pre-"Economic Bubble" era when Japanese people shared a common identity in the reconstruction of their nation.
Género: Drama
Emitir: 妻夫木聡, 伊藤歩, ベンガル, 蛭子能収, 大杉漣, 武田真治, 瀬戸朝香, 高橋惠子, 余貴美子, 田口浩正, 北見敏之, 伴杏里, Munetaka Aoki
Tripulación: 蛭子能収 (Director), 三原光尋 (Director), 矢口史靖 (Director), 水谷俊之 (Director), Itsumichi Isomura (Director)
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