This film stars Tanaka Kinuyo as the mother of the heir to the Hosho name, a famous lineage of Noh actors. The heir, Hosho Yagoro, is played by Hasegawa Kuzuo who went on to become familiar among Ichikawa Kon fans as Yukinojo in An Actor's Revenge, which was also co-written by Ito, adding to the relatedness of An Heir's Place.
Emitir: 長谷川一夫, Kinuyo Tanaka, 堀雄二, 岸恵子, 大矢市次郎, 伊志井寛, 東山千栄子, 浦辺粂子, Noriko Uchida, 荒木忍, 尾上栄五郎, 近衛敏明, 上田寛
Tripulación: 伊藤大輔 (Writer), 伊藤大輔 (Director), 甲斐庄楠音 (Costume Design), 團伊玖磨 (Music), 田中澄江 (Writer)
Palabra clave:
獅子の座 1953
Daiei Film
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