Detective Seiji Otaki is determined to find the psychopathic killer of a young woman who was ostensibly a student but in reality a high-priced prostitute. Even though he has been taken off the case for beating up a suspect, he refuses to let it go and recruits his mistress to act as a decoy for the killer. Her involvement turns out to be a fatal mistake, and when her husband gets out of prison, Detective Otaki is in worse trouble than ever.
Emitir: 緒形拳, いしだあゆみ, 泉谷しげる, 小林薫, 益岡徹, Kunitaka Kawakami, 蟹江敬三, 藤田まこと, 遠藤太津朗, Tetsuo Hara, 絵沢萠子, 成瀬正孝, Tatsuo Nishiyama
Tripulación: 工藤栄一 (Director), 神波史男 (Writer), 仙元誠三 (Director of Photography)
Palabra clave:
野獣刑事 1982
Toei Company
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