800 Two Lap Runners
This coming-of-age story revolves around two young long distance runners, Kenji Hirose and Ryuji Nakazawa. Kenji, haunted by memories of his dead friend Aihara with whom he had a brief homosexual affair, is now dating Aihara's former girlfriend Kyoko, but Kyoko is more interested in Kenji than he is in her. Ryuji, Kenji's friend and track rival, is pursuing hurdler Shoko but she in turn is after Kenji. Ryuji does have his own admirer, Nao, Kenji's younger sister, but when they do get together, Nao resembles her brother too much for Ryuji to go through with the lovemaking.
Emitir: 松岡俊介, 野村祐人, Tsugami Arimura, 河合美和子, Reiko Shiraishi, 袴田吉彦, 鹿沼絵里, 唐十郎, SABU, Keiko Saito
Tripulación: 廣木隆一 (Director), 加藤正人 (Screenplay), 栢野直樹 (Director of Photography), Teru Yamazaki (Production Design), Kan Suzuki (Editor)
Palabra clave:
800 Two Lap Runners 1994
boys' love (bl)
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