
Rebecca, an enigmatic woman, awakens inside a dilapidated police station in the middle of the night with no memory of how she got there. Two combative detectives try to retrace her steps to charge her with a hit and run. Rebecca’s situation looks more dire when she’s dragged into a scuffle leading to the death of another inmate and one of the officers. Rebecca has blood on her hands and no place to turn, forcing her to bribe the remaining officer to cover up her unwitting mistake. However, Rebecca discovers that not everything appears as it seems. Now, Rebecca must outwit the hidden danger before it’s too late. But unbeknownst to them, there is more to Rebecca than meets the eye.


Tiempo de ejecución: 115 minutos

Calidad: HD

Lanzamiento: 1970

imdb rating 7

Palabra clave:
Detained 1970


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