letters to eleanore
"letters to eleanore" is a poignant feature-length documentary that explores the intertwined journeys of two remarkable girls, Keith from Canto Grande in Lima, Peru, who bravely navigates life with cerebral palsy alongside her devoted mother, and Olivia from Litchfield, Minnesota, whose experiences highlight the stark contrasts in societal attitudes towards disability in their respective countries. As their narratives unfold, they are beautifully interwoven with the legacy of Eleanore and her family, whose life, untimely death, and the impact of her wheelchair ignited a powerful movement of hope for countless children and their families facing similar challenges. This film is not just a story of perseverance and love; it is a testament to the strength of community, brought to life through the collaborative efforts of volunteers, students, and communities across Peru and the United States, embodying a true grassroots style of storytelling that resonates with authenticity and compassion.
Género: Documental
Emitir: Tamara Kittelson, Sandra Candela, Lisa Ficker, Laura Miklautsch, Eleanore Kittelson-Aldred, Jose Antonio Patron Quispe, Trish Toole, Anna Marie Tschida, Scott Valentine, T. Sammie Wakefield, Kim Davis
Tripulación: Nich Perez (Director), Tamara Kittelson (Producer), T. Sammie Wakefield (Producer), Shawn Tallet (Music), Anna H. Olsen (Executive Producer)
Palabra clave:
letters to eleanore 2024
human rights
grassroots movement
Nonprofit Film Collective
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