In a small Swedish town in the early 1990s, a lonely teacher at the local job center, Ã…sa, finds herself attracted to an unemployed teenager. His youthful charm, adventurous attitude and ambitious personality reminds Ã…sa of her younger self. Attempting to get closer to him she arranges for a group of youths to try out one of his business ideas - a wildlife retreat in the mountains. But as the weekend progresses, nothing goes according to plan and the group is soon lost in the woods.
Emitir: Isabelle von Saenger, Anna Svensson, Per Åkerström, Andreas Borg, Emma Juntilla, Lisa Walberg, SaraKlara Hellström, Sara Turpin, Barbro Enberg, Robert Eriksson, Pieter Ten Hoopen, Jimmy Beris, Vidar Skoglund
Tripulación: Markus Marcetic (Director), Malin Henriksson (Sound Designer), Robin Lindkvist (Props), Marie Siverman (Hairstylist), Sofia Mårtensson Marcetic (Production Manager)
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