Moon City: The Rise of Ninja Attack
In a distant future a new society of peace and order comes under attack from an ancient Evil force. Only a young news reporter and her high flying ninja friends can save the city from the evil Ninja Attack. Moon City is the first Lao language Superhero movie.
Emitir: Koy Chantakaly, Hans Kaufmann, Pantheen Luanglath, Thepsouda Nandhavong, Soukthavy Panyasith, Passaya Pholsena, Amatha Paul Ratsombath, Ketsada Sihalath
Tripulación: Hans Kaufmann (Director), Passaya Pholsena (Writer), Hans Kaufmann (Writer), Passaya Pholsena (Director), Hans Kaufmann (Producer)
PaÃs: Lao People's Democratic Republic
Tiempo de ejecución: 115 minutos
Calidad: HD
Lanzamiento: 2018
Palabra clave:
Moon City: The Rise of Ninja Attack 2018
Patoo Industries
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