Ordinary Extraordinary Junco
The Ordinary Extraordinary Junco is a documentary film project designed to engage, entertain, and inspire student and adult audiences of all backgrounds. The feature-length film (88 min.) is comprised of eight shorter video chapters (3 to 20 min. each), or “modules,” that highlight past and present biological research on one of the most common and abundant –yet amazing and diverse–groups of songbirds in North America, the Juncos. Each video chapter explores key themes in animal behavior, ecology, or evolution, and conveys the process of scientific research with high school and college science standards in mind.
Género: Documental
Emitir: Yaël Ksander, Ellen D. Ketterson, Eric Snajdr, Joel McGlothlin, Phil Unitt, Borja Milá, Noe Beltran, John McCormack, Jonathan W. Atwell, Alfonso Aguirre, Stan Walens, Trevor Price
Tripulación: Ellen D. Ketterson (Executive Producer), Jonathan W. Atwell (Director), Steve Burns (Cinematography), Steve Burns (Editor), Joseph Toth (Graphic Designer)
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