The movie set in 1840s Italy under the dominance of Austria, a time of tumultuous revolt and uprisings. The story centers on the life of the protagonist, Arthur Burton, as a member of the Youth movement, and his antagonist, Padre Montanelli. A thread of a tragic relationship between Arthur and his love Gemma simultaneously runs through the story. It is a story of faith, disillusionment, revolution, romance, and heroism.
Género: Drama, Romance, Película de TV, Acción
Emitir: Андрей Харитонов, Serguéi Bondarchuk, Анастасия Вертинская, Ада Роговцева, Костянтин Степанков, Алексей Колесник
Tripulación: Serhiy Stasenko (Director of Photography), Юлий Дунский (Writer), Валерий Фрид (Writer), Ethel LIlian Voynich (Novel), Mykola Mashchenko (Director)
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