PAPAJI - "This Moment" - Interview by Ber Pakuma (Madhukar)

This interview included beautiful stories and reminiscences by Papaji: . Papaji recounts having darshan of Shiva and Parvati in the Himalayas, where he went aiming at reaching the heavens following on Yudhishtira's steps. Parvati offered him a sweet and the taste of that nectar is still in Papaji's fingers. What a prasadam! . Papaji tells the story of how he guided a Russian Iskcon follower to have darshan of Radha. . Papaji speaks about his connection with Osho and the difference between teacher and sadguru.


Tiempo de ejecución: 99 minutos

Calidad: HD

Lanzamiento: 1994

imdb rating 7


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