"Scars," is a short film that explores the horror of domestic abuse. The story follows James through a nightmarish experience of his past relationship with his girlfriend, Camila. He's unconsciously guided around his house by a mysterious presence that forces him to observe his cruel treatment towards her.
Género: Terror, Suspense, Drama, Ciencia ficción
Emitir: David Cope, Jacqueline Lopez, John Cook, Blanca Venegas, Javier Fernandez
Tripulación: Paolo Urquidi Rechberger (Compositor), Samuel Romero (Director of Photography), Zihad Billah (Visual Effects), Samuel Muñoz (First Assistant Director), Kufre "Ray" Eyo (Gaffer)
Palabra clave:
Scars 2019
psychological abuse
domestic abuse
domestic violence
psychological thriller
short film
Basement Productions
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