Ukrainian Mothers and the Children of War
Amidst the devastating aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, this poignant documentary follows brave Ukrainian mothers who seek refuge in Canada, striving to rebuild their shattered lives and provide a new beginning for their children. The film also highlights the compassionate Canadian families who lend a helping hand to these war refugees, echoing their ancestors' past act of kindness. Through intimate storytelling, the series showcases the resilience of the human spirit as these families find hope and restoration in their shared journey towards a better future.
Género: Documental
Tripulación: Maryna Kushnir (Associate Producer), Vladimir Strungar (Cinematography), Oleksiy Buyanov (Editor), Felix Golubev (Producer), Olena Tumanska (Director)
Palabra clave:
Ukrainian Mothers and the Children of War 2023
Ethnic Channels Group
Canada Media Fund | Fonds des médias du Canada
Film Funding Ltd. of Canada
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