During the Genroku era, Azusa Gennosuke, renowned in Nara as a top swordsman and a scholar, crossed swords with the Magistrate Kurobane Yatayu, who tried to force himself on Gennosuke's beloved foster-sister, Kikuno. As a result, Gennosuke's younger brother, Shichisaburo, was killed. Separated from his mother, Gennosuke found himself on the run from the officials.
Emitir: 高田浩吉, 長門裕之, 浪花千栄子, 北上弥太郎, 永田光男, 若柳敏三郎, 市川男女之助, 富本民平, Kyoko Kami, 大木実, 近衛十四郎, 薄田研二, 南光明
Tripulación: 大曾根辰夫 (Director), 加田三七 (Adaptation), 村上元三 (Original Story), Kōichirō Ogura (Producer), 石本秀雄 (Cinematography)
Palabra clave:
お役者変化 1954
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