Set in Shizuoka and Tokyo, Japan in the late 1980's. Takkun is a university student in Shizuoka attempting to find a job. Mayu is a dental hygienist. They meet through a blind date and begin to date, but Takkun finds a job in Tokyo and goes there. They begin a long distance relationship, but their relationship breaks down.
Emitir: 松田翔太, 前田敦子, 木村文乃, 森田甘路, 三浦貴大, 前野朋哉, 木梨憲武, 手塚理美, 片岡鶴太郎, 吉谷彩子, Miyabi Matsuura, Kotomi Yaegashi, Ayaka Onishi
Tripulación: 堤幸彦 (Director), Tete Inoue (Writer)
Palabra clave:
イニシエーション・ラブ 2015
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