"Drop" tells the story of a boy named Hiroshi Shinanogawa, who grew up in the 1980s. He became inspired by the Be-Bop High School manga and decided to become a delinquent. Hiroshi dropped out of a private middle school and transferred to a public school There he joins up with a delinquent gang.
Emitir: 成宮寛貴, 木村拓也, 本仮屋ユイカ, 上地雄輔, 中越典子, 哀川翔, 綾部祐二, 遠藤憲一, Satoshi Fujimoto, Toshifumi Fujimoto, 河本準一, 坂井真紀, 益岡徹
Tripulación: 水上繁雄 (Producer), 沢田完 (Original Music Composer), 品川祐 (Writer), Shohei Ishikawa (Art Direction), 磯田典宏 (Art Direction)
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