Kageko, a teacher in a small mountain village with a thriving Japanese paper industry, is visited by a former student, who proposes a plan to manufacture counterfeit money. She initially refuses, but eventually decides to join the project for the sake of the poor children in the village and her own mentally handicapped child.
Género: Drama, Comedia, Crimen
Emitir: 倍賞美津子, Munetaka Aoki, 木村祐一, 板倉俊之, Ryo Nishikata, 三浦誠己, 宇梶剛士, Jun Murakami, 段田安則, 泉谷しげる, 加藤虎ノ介, 遠藤憲一, 橋本拓也
Tripulación: 木村祐一 (Director), Tetsujirô Yamagami (Producer), Harushi Mizukami (Producer), 木村祐一 (Co-Writer), Kazuhiko Ogasawara (Story)
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