In the chaotic days of the 1960s, Misuzu, a lonely high school girl from a troubled family, finds sanctuary with her nihilistic brother, Ryo, and his friends. They pass their days hanging around a shadowy jazz cafe bar, indulging themselves in a life of sex, drugs and alcohol.
Emitir: 宮﨑あおい, 小出恵介, 宮﨑将, 小嶺麗奈, 柄本佑, Munetaka Aoki, 松浦祐也, 藤村俊二
Tripulación: Harumi Ichikawa (Screenplay), 塙幸成 (Screenplay), Tetsuro Kamogawa (Screenplay), Misuzu Nakahara (Novel), 塙幸成 (Director)
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