Set in the town of Furano in Hokkaido, Kita no Kuni Kara centers around the story of the Kuroita family. Narrated by the son, Jun, the tale follows the lives of two children torn between their parents and their parents' divorce. Jun, and his sister Hotaru, grow and mature in the harsh climates of Hokkaido, and learn the ways of life through their interaction with the folk of Furano.
Género: Drama, Película de TV
Emitir: 田中邦衛, 吉岡秀隆, 中嶋朋子, 竹下景子, 岩城滉一, 地井武男
Tripulación: 倉本聰 (Screenplay), 倉本聰 (Original Story), 杉田成道 (Director)
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