Toru Hayashi is an unremarkable bachelor who lives with his mother, until one day a young woman named Rumi moves in in the apartment upstairs. Rumi is a self-proclaimed master thief, but she needs socially awkward Toru's help to actually kickstart her so-called career.
Emitir: 小泉今日子, Hiroyuki Sanada, 秋野太作, 冨士眞奈美, 伊佐山ひろ子, 陣内孝則, 木の実ナナ, 水野久美, 名古屋章, 岡田眞澄, 奥村公延, 斎藤晴彦, 吉田日出子
Tripulación: Osame Maruike (Director of Photography), 冨田功 (Editor), 和田誠 (Director), 和田誠 (Writer), Henry Slesar (Novel)
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