The original is a manga work by Shigeru Tsuchiyama serialized in the magazine "Leed Comic". The director is Takeshi Watanabe of "Kyouju Luger P08", the script is Masaya Ishikawa, and the shooting is Naoaki Imaizumi. A hard-boiled action by a combination of a former yakuza detective and a gangster who is a police officer. Performers are Kazuya Kimura, Rikiya Yasuoka, and Katsuya Kobayashi. Kyotaro Inugami, a detective at the port station, is a former yakuza. The young head of the gangster group Tsuneno-gumi, Choji Hanawa is a police officer. They were two people glaring at each other, but there are two people, Assistant Commissioner Masaru Sasaki and Shiro Sasaki ...
Emitir: 木村一八, 安岡力也, Yoshiyuki Ohmori, 安原麗子, 渡辺哲, Mizuho Shumon, 小林且弥, 鹿内孝, 南原宏治, 長谷川弘, 高知東生, Hiroki Kataoka
Tripulación: Hirohiko Sueyoshi (Production Coordinator), 麻生学 (Assistant Director), Yasuhiro Itō (Producer), 伊藤秀裕 (Production Assistant), 島村泰司 (Editor)
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