In this gripping cinematic adaptation of 'Crest of the Rules,' a graphic novel by Ushijiro and illustrated by Teruichi Nasu, audiences are immersed in the intense world of a militant yakuza struggling against the currents of changing times. Abandoned by evolving waves, he battles a formidable enemy organization, faces excommunication from a former ally, and confronts both factions during a period of societal disapproval.
Emitir: Hiroyuki Watanabe, 中条きよし, うじきつよし, 大場久美子, 岩間沙織, 山本昌平, 長門裕之, 佐渡稔, 坂田雅彦
Tripulación: Masato Sasaki (Director), Masato Sasaki (Screenplay), 寺田十三夫 (Music)
Palabra clave:
武闘派仁義 1993
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