A documentary by Nobuo Ōnishi, who follows the people living in the area where Tokuyama Dam is planned to be built. In 1957, talk arose that Japan's largest dam would be built in Tokuyama Village, Gifu Prefecture. While the residents moved to new locations, some elderly families returned to Tokuyama Village, wanting to continue living there for as long as possible. Ōnishi, who grew up in the Ibi District, was fascinated by the lives of those elderly people and continued to photograph them for 15 years until the village sank to the bottom of the dam.
Género: Documental
Tripulación: Nobuo Onishi (Director), Seiichi Motohashi (Producer), Koichi Doi (Cinematography), Nobuo Onishi (Cinematography), Koichi Doi (Editor)
Palabra clave:
水になった村 2007
Pole Pole Times
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