Nijiiro Days follows the colorful lives and romantic relationships of four high school boys—Natsuki Hashiba, a dreamer with delusions of love; Tomoya Matsunaga, a narcissistic playboy who has multiple girlfriends; Keiichi Katakura, a kinky sadist who always carries a whip; and Tsuyoshi Naoe, an otaku who has a cosplaying girlfriend.
Emitir: Reo Sano, Taishi Nakagawa, 高杉真宙, 横浜流星, 吉川愛, 恒松祐里, 堀田真由, 坂東希, 山田裕貴, 滝藤賢一, 田山由起
Tripulación: 飯塚健 (Director), Rika Nezu (Screenplay), Minami Mizuno (Comic Book), 武田功 (Executive Producer)
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