The story revolves around Cherry, a young girl who was kidnapped and declared missing for over a decade. She suddenly returns to her family after 12 years, and older sister Jing soon discovers that something is wrong with Cherry. It turns out Cherry has been carrying out crimes on the orders of her abductor, and Jing employs the help of friendly police officer to unravel her younger sister’s conspiracy.
Emitir: 宋佳, 顏卓靈, 林家棟, 胡歌, 陳觀泰, 顧美華, Jason Pai Piao
Tripulación: Chris Chow (Writer), 王金城 (Director of Photography), Chris Chow (Director), Darryl O'Donovan (Additional Music)
Palabra clave:
那年夏天你去了哪裡 2016
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