In the heart of the Japanese Alps, in Kamikochi, Nagano Prefecture, botany professor Kazuhiko Onuma spends time with Tsuruko, his lover. One night, Kazuhiko's wife Kazuyo comes to see them and confronts the professor about his extramarital affair, and Tsuruko, an inevitable witness to the confrontation, leaves the professor the following morning. Over the next decade, whenever he visits the mountain cabin every autumn equinox, the memory of Tsuruko will forever haunt Kazuhiko...
Emitir: 上原謙, Michiyo Kogure, 川崎敬三, Keiko Fujita, 浪花千栄子, 坂本武, 見明凡太朗, 浦辺粂子, 柳永二郎, 清水綋治
Tripulación: 永田雅一 (Executive Producer), 依田義賢 (Screenplay), 清水宏 (Director), 北条秀司 (Novel), Akira Ifukube (Music)
Palabra clave:
霧の音 1956
Daiei Film
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