The movie is centered around five friends as they end up spending the summer of 1962 shackled up together in a tiny studio apartment in Tokyo. The five friends are Eisuke - the manga artist, Shoichi - the singer, Ryuzo - the novelist, Kei - the painter and Yuji – the 5th wheel (?). The friends spend the summer in pursuit of their own ideals of personal freedom - being able to do what they want. In the process of pursuing their dream they learn firsthand that however ideal it may seem, its not as easy as they think.
Género: Drama
Emitir: 櫻井翔, 相葉雅紀, 二宮和也, 大野智, 松本潤, 香椎由宇, 韓英恵, 岩井堂聖子, 菅井きん, 志賀廣太郎, 本田博太郎, 田畑智子, 松原智恵子
Tripulación: 犬童一心 (Director), 嵐 (Theme Song Performance), 市川森一 (Writer), 蔦井孝洋 (Cinematography), 上野聡一 (Editor)
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