480p         HD
  720p         HD
  1080p      HD

너도 먹고 나도 먹고

Soo-jin's cousin, Soo-yeong, falls into Yeong-tae's spiritual capacity and becomes a sex slave. Soo-jin tries to save Soo-yeong with Jae-min, but even Jae-min is fascinated by Soo-yeong and degenerates into sexual slavery. Soo-jin saves Jae-min with the power of love. Soo-jin and Jae-min, who confirmed each other's feelings, prepare for the final battle with villain Yeong-tae to save Soo-yeong and finally face villain Yeong-tae naked.

País: South Korea

Tiempo de ejecución: 78 minutos

Calidad: HD

Lanzamiento: 2022

imdb rating 4


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