


Trollz is an American animated television series produced by DiC Entertainment and features the adventures of five fictional teenage girls, who call themselves the Best Friends for Life, who use magic to help them with their everyday life as well as battling whatever magical creatures and problems they may find themselves up against. These trollz were based on the troll doll created in the 1960s becoming one of the biggest fads in the world.

Género: Familia, Animación, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Kids

Emitir: Alexandra Carter, Britt McKillip, Chiara Zanni, Sam Vincent, Anna Van Hooft

Primera fecha de emisión: Nov 22, 2005

Última fecha de emisión: Nov 22, 2005

País: CA, DK, US, LU

Tiempo de ejecución: 22 minutos

Calidad: HD

imdb rating 5.2


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