The Wild

The Wild is a South African soap opera created by Rohan Dickson, Richard Nosworthy and Bronwyn Berry and produced by M-Net's in-house production arm Magic Factory and shot entirely on location which revolves around three families – the Lebones, the van Reenens and the Tladis - who, because of past conflicts, struggle to negotiate a cohesive future, despite being bound together by their relationship to a special piece of land.

Género: Soap

Emitir: Shona Ferguson, Tumisho Masha, Connie Ferguson, Gail Nkoane, Ian Roberts, James Alexander, Lele Ledwaba, Clementine Mosimane, Tyrone Keogh, Faye Peters, Michelle Bradshaw

Primera fecha de emisión: Apr 04, 2011

Última fecha de emisión: Mar 28, 2013

País: ZA

Tiempo de ejecución: minutos

Calidad: HD

imdb rating 4

Palabra clave:
The Wild


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