
It tells how many years ago, Zhang Shanhe, who talked to Kowloon, went to jail for fighting with others. His wife was in grief and died prematurely, leaving her daughter to grow up in the orphanage. Many years later, Zhang Shanhe was released from prison and decided to raise his daughter by Jinpen wash his hands alone. However, in order to save the former brother, the gang boss Tali died unexpectedly, which caused the Tali's brother Chanon to retaliate wildly. The brother was killed and his daughter was kidnapped. Zhang Shanhe launched a hunting showdown with criminals to save his daughter.

País: China

Tiempo de ejecución: 79 minutos

Calidad: HD

Lanzamiento: 2021

imdb rating 2

Palabra clave:
再战江湖 2021


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