

El Batha

In a dramedy setting, **El Batha** follows the story of Laz, a man who has been imprisoned 17 times and lives in the Al Batha neighborhood. Determined to escape this trap, Laz faces numerous challenges and obstacles, including a showdown with his arch-nemesis, all while navigating a journey filled with humorous and thrilling moments.

Género: Comedia, Drama

Emitir: Rabie Wajawt, Nabil Asli, Nassim Haddouche, Adel Chike

Primera fecha de emisión: Mar 23, 2023

Última fecha de emisión: Mar 23, 2023

País: DZ

Tiempo de ejecución: 30 minutos

Calidad: HD

imdb rating 10

Palabra clave:
El Batha


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